Keegi on siia tulnud otsinguga "kuidas tagasi võita oma armsam".
See on tõsine probleem, aga paraku oskan välja pakkuda ainult ühe hea nõuande:
Sõnad (targad, kuigi karmid)
Every time that I hear a woman cry 'cos her man has left her flat
I just feel like saying, "don't be such a fool, you fool."
Better dry your eyes, can't you realize
You gain nothing by that
Well, that's no way to keep his heart warm, baby,
When his love grows cool
What's the use in sighing?
What's the use in crying?
If he's wandered off the track
'Cos if your kisses won't hold the man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back, no
You might as well be cheerful
There's no use being tearful
If he's given you the sack
'Cos if your kisses won't hold the man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back
Now, listen
If sweet sugar kissin' isn't gonna make him come home
Tell me, how do ya hope to keep him to ya
With tears instead of song
Just be a normal fella
Come on, say "What the hell-a"
Get his clothes and help him to pack
'Cos if your kisses won't hold the man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back
Love is like home cooking: good, and wholesome
But all men need some mutton on the outside now and then
If you find your boy is cheating,
Do the same, old dear
He's only giving you the chance that you've been waiting for for years
My goodness! Tears won't get you anything
Just a shiny red nose
Go on, paint up, powder up, put on your swellest clothes
Men: go and get 'em by the score
Neglected girls shouldn't worry
That's what God made sailors for!
Don't cry for him or chase him
Just go out and replace him
With some good looking Tom, Dick or Jack
'Cos if your kisses won't hold the man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back
If your kisses won't hold
The man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back!
Kui tagasivõitmist ootab naissoost armsam meesoost inimese poolt, siis ei oska ka mingit muud nõu anda.
Põhimõtteliselt soovitaksin keskenduda sellele, et olla ise parem inimene - isegi kui armsam seda ei märka või see teda ei huvita, oled lõpuks ikkagi võiduseisus ehk oled igatahes saanud paremaks inimeseks =)
ja muuseas, tunnustan ilusa sõna "armsam" kasutamist.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta(laik!), ja sõnas "kekskenduda" kirjavea tegemine oli ka taotluslik eks!
VastaKustutaMa olen vist lootusetult ebaromantiline, aga rida "What's the use in crying?" tuletas kohe meelde, et üks hüpotees väidab, et pisarad väljutavad stressihormoone; ja igal juhul aeglustab nutmine hingamist, mis mõjub kokkuvõttes rahustavalt
VastaKustutaOriginaal on vist see:
VastaKustutaSophie Tucker - If Your Kisses Can't Hold The Man You Love
armastus, kiim ja kinnisideed on erinevad nähtused.
VastaKustutaDramaatiliste esitluste puhul (olen täheldanud) on asi kinnisideedes pigem.
Ja ma ei tea, miks ma seda nüüd trükkisin. Järelikult treenin karmat.
ei olenud tahtlik viga.
VastaKustutaOn küll see originaal.